The economic growth fuelled by rapid increase in consumption and production has a suicidal
element. The resources for production areĀ limited and a lot of them are already dwindling. In the near future, their dearth will give rise to conflicts and create a crisis for the economy. But we cannot stop the rapid consumption of resourcesĀ in one day.
Resource Efficiency is a transitional phase where the economy must achieve more value out of
less resource. GIZ has started a programme with Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate
Change of Government of India to promote Resource Efficiency in Indian industry. The programme, to start with has picked up Automobile and Construction sectors to promote
processes and technology to achieve efficiency. These two sectors were chosen as they are
two of the prime engines of Indian growth.
DamageControl worked with the GIZ team to produce knowledge products like infographics,
posters and training videos that will be used to promote values of Resource Efficiency among
various industry bodies.