Living Ganga

All Portfolios Water Pollution, Conservation Print Oct 2012 Client: WWF India
Ganga Living

The Ganga is a river at risk. Industrialisation, urbanisation, intensive agriculture and the impact of climate change have all affected the quality and quantity of water in the river. The Living Ganga Programme brought together stakeholders, over an 800km stretch of the river, to develop an integrated and holistic action plan to restore the ecological integrity of the Ganga.

DamageControl was brought in to unpack and translate the technicalities of ecological flow or e-flow to an audience that might not be as technical as the research. We developed a promotional booklet to showcase the Living Ganga programme at its culmination. This included editorial strategy, creating original text from a host of reports and internal notes, editing and designing the product.

Though the purpose was promotional, the document also explains the science and socio-economic realities of the Ganga, its needs, and the most judicious way to utilize Ganga water. An attached brochure introduces WWF-India’s subsequent project, the Ramganga Programme, which focuses on the tributary, highly polluted due to its surrounding industrial areas.

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